Saturday, May 19, 2007

Just a good mood

Strange but last days all my friends are doing so much with university, and so much in stress, I noticed that I have so bad situation in university like never before, but I dont care and am in such a good mood:)
I made it up with Erkan. Thank you, Irka, for your advice, not to speak of problem but of other things...We did yesterday whole night till 5am and I find it's nice... He told me sencirely that he was on the verge of quitting with me but can't imagine his life without me... But mostly we spoke of random things and laughed together.
Today I met Jenya Komisarova accidentaly at Tretyakovskaya....AAAAnd...
She also marries on 6th of July, Abashev made a proposal for her....I find it super nice, cute and sweet, am so much happy for them. They went with Inna Akhmetshina to chose out a wedding dress for her, isnt it nice?
Thought again of that am still doing @ instead of marriage, and then met Xu:) She told why you look to people who marry, they are much less than people who dont... :) And why u think why am not like the ones who marry, but you are like the ones who dont:)
Really, don't know if am in the situation now to drop everything and start cooking soups for my love, I always need action, wanna be productive and produce not just soups and potato;)
The weather in nice in Moscow, most people complain that it's too hot, but I finally enjoy the warmness, especially after Saratov where we slept 4 people in1 bed to warm up, totally dressed and rolled into blankets...
Think am becoming more turkish-style cause my mood becomes better when sun comes:) Got in the circle of Influence of Erkan:)
Isnt that nice? :)

1 comment:

Alexander Annaev said...

Oh my god! I didn't know Oleg and Jenya are getting married. I've taken aback :) AIESEC unites.