Friday, June 29, 2007

Hot time is over

25 дней...
7 экзаменов...
8 эссе...
1 курсовая...
5 австрийцев, неговорящх по-русски в Москве
1 бой-френд
700 евро в бюджет ЛК
и 1 нарейзенная ТН-ка....
Всё это кончилось минуту назад с последней точкой курсовой!
Об этом и многом другом в следующих постах моего блога:)
It's coming soon! Stay tuned!
I am finally back!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

What calms me down today...

People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered, LOVE THEM ANYWAY.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives, DO GOOD ANYWAY.
If you are successful, you win false and true enemies, SUCCEED ANYWAY.
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow, DO GOOD ANYWAY.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable, BE HONEST AND FRANK ANYWAY.
What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight, BUILD ANYWAY.
People really need help but may attack you if you help them, HELP PEOPLE ANYWAY.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth, GIVE THE WORLD THE BEST YOU GOT ANYWAY.