Monday, May 28, 2007
Задолбали СНы...Честно слово, весь день было такое хорошее настроение, но как услышала от этих сн-ов, сегодня они хотят сюда, завтра туда, после завтра вообще никуда не хотят, и при этом не дают деньги...
МС прислали какой-то документ очень г.... некачественный....Который обещал быть очень крутым, причем делался месяц, профачив ддл на 3 дня, а в итоге являет собой совокупность ссылок о том, где об этом можно почитать....
Так хочется, чтобы люди держали свои обещания...Так хочется, чтобы были честными... Так хочется, чтобы отвечали за свои слова...
Хотя вчера был очень удивительный день.
Мы всей нашей любимой командой ЕВ (кроме Оли) ездили к Машке Ис на дачу, кушали шашлыки и мюнхенские сосиски ( никто, кроме меня их не любит, поэтому мне досталось много), спасали ее недельных котят от мамы-кошки,которая таскала их бедных по лестнице головой....Ну и конечно работали...Люблю работать на природе, когда ветер так игриво разбрасывает аутпуты:) Поставили нумерикал цели наконец, по-моему очень даже СМАРТ:) Теперь осталось их выполнить:) Очень люблю, когда люди все же делают, что обещают....
А еще очень люблю свою ЕВ-команду:) Завтра наша инагурейшн пати в Кабане в 20.00
Велкам еврибади!!!!
А еще очень люблю Эрканчика!!! Осталось всего 6 дней до момента, когда я окажусь в раю (или меня разнесут в пух и прах). Очень надеюсь на первый вариант и жду-недожудсь своего любимого.....
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Конец недели....
В четверг я была на конференции Иностранцы в вашей компании, которую проводил прайс, и проходила она в Мариотте, Тверская.
Почему-то я была уверена, что Мариотт Тверская находится на тверской:) Хорошо, что перед самым выходом я догадалась посмотреть в яндексе где это, оказалось на Белорусской:)
Поскольку в Мариотте бываю не часто, с трудом нашла отель, но даже пришла раньше и позавтракала там:) Там был тирольский конфитюр Дарбо, который я обожаю....Мммм...
Конференция мне очень понравилась, сижу я значит среди юристов крутых ТНК и нац компаний и сама от себя офигеваю, я даже понимаю о чем говорят и даже разговор поддержать могу.
4 года на юрфаке не прошли мимо меня:)
У меня появилось много новых идей, и даже мотивация учить право дальше:)
Поэтому по приходу домой я даже подготовилась к налоговому праву, поняла какой это все-таки интересный предмет, жаль только, что 2 семинара осталось:)
В пятницу ходили с Машкой Исаевой в Сведбанк, какого было мое удивление когда я узнала что 2 мужика сидящие напротив меня это аламни Осло и Стокгольма:) Забавно:) Попросили рассказать, что нового произошло в айсек за последние 10 лет, пыталась рассказать про айсек Икс Пи, на что они спросили: Это вы в Москве придумали? Я говорю, нет в АИ:) Были очень удивлены, слава Богу, что ТН-форма изменилась не намного, сказали заполнят до след пятницы:)
С таким хорошим настроением, мы пошли с Машкой на завтрак в Шоколадницу (короткий пи-ар завтрака в Шоколаднице: стоит всего 129 руб и намного лучше чем в Кофе-хаусе),
а потом я поехала в универ...Мы с девчонками делаем проект по криминалистике: снимаем фильм. Оля вообще не тим-плеер. Сначала мы пытались как-то ей потакать и пытаться находить компромисс, когда девчонки сказали, что больше не могут, я ей посоветовала обратить внимание как она себя ведет, так слово за слово получил ежик по морде:) В смысле проект теперь мы делаем в троем, а не в четвером.
Вот, но даже такая нелепая ситуация не испортила моего настроения. Я блистала на налоговом праве, что Орлов (мужчина моей мечты) меня даже похвалил:) Надо подготовиться к след семинару тоже.
Потом пришла Марго поговорить о проекте, о проекте так и не поговорили, потому что она стала плакаться об отсутствии мотивации и тут: powerfull questions forever:) применила то, что узнала на ай ти си,и поняла, что я крута:)))) Уходя она говорила: нет, конечно у меня есть мотивация, и всегда была, почему я так подумала что у меня ее нет:) И, спасибо, Маша:)
Хотя в ситуации с Олей, я тоже пыталась применить знания, полученные на ай ти си, видимо Оля - это уровень эдвансд:)
Мне даже с Эрканом легче общаться...С тех пор как мы поговорили с ним, когда он сказал, что не знает хочет ли он, чтобы я приезажала и много других не менее приятных вещей, я ему объяснила how I feel, as sharing is caring, он сменил стиль своего общения со мной на более милый, добрый и заботливый...До вчерашней ночи писал такие нежные смсочки....
Так вот апогеем явился наш визит с Машкой Б к Аршаку....Аршак переезжает каждые 2 месяца и устраивает новоселье, хорошая тенденция:)
Поскольку всего не помню, помню только несколько моментов и то слайтли:) Что свидетельствует о том, что текила-пати была очень хорошая:)
Франко-армяно-англо-американо-венгерско-русская вечеринка, где все говорили как ни странно на русском ( или мне так показалось)....Помню как один американец втирал мне с таким специфичным акцентом: иа што похошь на америкоса?
Потом мы с Машкой решили поехать домой, и почему-то даже без 15 час были уверены, что мы успеем на метро и в общагу (от Смоленки до Авиамоторной буквально 2 шага:)
Помню как Агаси провожал нас и пел серенады Бащенке за что, что она привезла его в Москву (Питер мне тоже пел, но провожать не пошел:) Посадил значит нас на такси... Далее вырезано цензурой:)
Помню, что очень долго не могла как ни странно ВЫТАЩИТЬ ключ из двери (обычно не получается вставить)
Вытащила его Машка в 5 утра, она же и выключила мне свет, обнаружила я себя в кровати в одежде с телефонном в каждой руке в 9 утра:) Хотела еще даже пойти на пары в универ к 2, но не смогла:)
Из нашего утреннего диалога ( у нас получалось общаться друг с другом только почему-то, например звонила мне с утра мама и меня не понимала):
Ба: ААаа...я Забыла сумку у Аршака...Машка, я была с сумкой?
Зо: Хмм, по-моему нет...
Ба: Нет, ну у меня был проездной, когда мы ехали на мет.... ааа, мы не ехали на метро!!!!!
Зо: но ты же потом звонила Агаси, сказать что мы доехали
Ба: но телефон был у меня в кармане
Зо: Ну а ключ? Как ты октрыла дверь
Ба: Хм...и правда загадка:)
Слава Богу, сумка оказалась в комнате:)
Сейчас поедем на дачу к Машке Ис с нашим дорогим ЕВ жарить сосиски, пить больше не будем:)
Эх, жизнь надо прожить так, чтобы было, что вспомнить и стыдно рассказать:)
А мне не стыдно, я крута и я счастлива:)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Поговорила с Эрканом...
Вот уже без 15 4 эй эм, а мне вставать через 3 часа,а я и не ложилась...И ложиться не хочу, только может чтобы удавиться...
Омг....что за булщит....
Если бы были сигареты, обязательно бы покурила сейчас....
Как все сложно....
Monday, May 21, 2007
Мой любимый ЛК!!!!

Вчера вместо того, чтобы учиться посвятила весь день своему любимому ЛК...
Сначала у нас был 4-х часовой ЕВ-митинг... Ах, как я люблю нашу команду (надеюсь, они меня тоже:))))моя бы воля я бы и весь день просидела, и доделала все дела, которые мы не успели....Но почему-то не все такие трудоголики как я,а некоторые даже и об универе думают:) Странно:) Но все равно я очень люблю свой тим (надеюсь, это надолго)...
И самое главное, что часть этого тима (моя любимая) это наш дрим-тим:) Еще на своем айсе в 2005 году мы решили, что станем ЕВ вместе:)
После ЕВ-митинга, мы случайно узнали, что пол нашей локалки встречаются в Коломенском на тимбилдинг:) Как говорила Таня Сельская, ЕВ всегда узнают все самыми последними:)
Забив на реферат, который надо было написать, мы отправились в Коломенское, там было так здорово...Мы играли в разные игрушки, сидели на травке, бегали, спускались к реке.
Ах, как я люблю такие моменты...



more photos from yesterday's walk see at:
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Just a good mood
I made it up with Erkan. Thank you, Irka, for your advice, not to speak of problem but of other things...We did yesterday whole night till 5am and I find it's nice... He told me sencirely that he was on the verge of quitting with me but can't imagine his life without me... But mostly we spoke of random things and laughed together.
Today I met Jenya Komisarova accidentaly at Tretyakovskaya....AAAAnd...
She also marries on 6th of July, Abashev made a proposal for her....I find it super nice, cute and sweet, am so much happy for them. They went with Inna Akhmetshina to chose out a wedding dress for her, isnt it nice?
Thought again of that am still doing @ instead of marriage, and then met Xu:) She told why you look to people who marry, they are much less than people who dont... :) And why u think why am not like the ones who marry, but you are like the ones who dont:)
Really, don't know if am in the situation now to drop everything and start cooking soups for my love, I always need action, wanna be productive and produce not just soups and potato;)
The weather in nice in Moscow, most people complain that it's too hot, but I finally enjoy the warmness, especially after Saratov where we slept 4 people in1 bed to warm up, totally dressed and rolled into blankets...
Think am becoming more turkish-style cause my mood becomes better when sun comes:) Got in the circle of Influence of Erkan:)
Isnt that nice? :)
Thursday, May 17, 2007
What for we live...
Yesterday I got sms from one of my best friends from school with whom I shared 1 desk since 4 years (Lyays) that she has got a son!!!!!!!
Lyays is a mother and she has a baby!!!!!
That's from one side totally shocking, from the other side am very-very much happy for her and find it to be a great news.
I really adore how fast she did it, married last march and in a year having already a son, although in school I could never believe that she'll ever marry.
She's an active learner, she was involved in sooo many activities while being at school, she always wanted to learn smth knew, she participated in all programms which are possible, being in uni, she visited german school after 1st year, then learnt spanish by herself, went to Spain for summer school. She came to Moscow so often to participate in different contest, but now she's home with her husband and son, writing diploma and enjoying the life, real adults LIFE.
I remember once at school I asked her what for you learn so much and do so much, she said that she doesnt learn to earn money in future (her farther was at that moment the Minister of Finance in Baschkortostan and till now is the President of National Bank), but to be able to educate her own children, that she told 6 years ago... And now it's true... All her parents and grandparents and grand-grandparents are the doctors of science, but all women in her family never worked for money although having degree, just doing education in universities for example.
I am happy for her very much like I wrote but am also envious and that also made me think about myself for instance. I got acquainted with Erkan and we had already 1st name for our baby even before she got acquainted with her future husband, even a year before. But since then we are just dreaming and dreaming with Erkan, quarelling from time to time, while people are really building their lives...
Another my very-very close friend marries this summer, she also got acqauinted with her boyfriend a year later after we did with Erkan...
I dont know what happened to my mind-set this November when I was declined austrian visa and couldnt go to Innsbruck to apply to university there. That very moment I understood that I stay in Moscow, I decided to apply for EB, I started doing @ every day and being invlved more and more into it. I understood whom I gonna work and what can I do in Austria, how can I develop myself and so on....My dream changed...
AM sitting now here and thinking that wasnt it me who was ready to drop uni? To come to Erkan, marry and give babies? Wasnt it me who stayed and looked for baby's playgrounds and dreamt to be soon the happy mother?
Isnt it still me?
I am, cause am writing now these words and having tears in my face.
Why? Why? I told to Erkan that I am not gonna give babies at leats 1st 2years after marriage why I told that I need to reach that and that? Why I said that I studied and learnt my whole life not to ruin everything in 1 moment becoming a mither? Why I told that I'll always have time to give birth?
What do I actually really wanna?
Are you making plans for your future or giving babies to the world?
It's up to me:)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
In the air
The week at home is already over and am at the moment in the sky going back to Moscow reality, although moscow reality didnt leave me being home.
It’s very hard to stay there but even harder to leave. My little Katya was crying so much and saying: Katya tozhe samolyot…S Masei…She even winked to her parents in order to say bye…
Aaaah, that farewell moments are so touchable….Frankly before this moment, I wasnt going to visit home again in summer…Cause at daytime when everybody is at work (even Irka, omg my friends have already normal work) feel really boring exept of the time when I play with Katya.
Dont know there are not much things to which I feel connected in Ufa, exept of my fam and Irka of course…Concerning other friends, I even have no wish to call them. It’s really strange cause am not the only who change, friends of course also and perhaps we still could find the common interests, but dont know….
You can congratulate me cause I had much success in negotiations with Erkan. I made a kind of task force “let your bfriend understand that he needs you (or you need him)” J
I was since hours online in msn waiting till he comes online, usually he appeared and told that he has to work much, but keeping in mind 1 of the principles how adults learn I asked him questions (answers to what I had more or less in my head) and it’s going in a better way (am I a manipulator) but still not perfect like before. Yet it also helped me to understand what is the problem and what I did wrong and its not GOING itself to conference but rather telling of that at last moment cause we had similar situations before and he begged me to not keep unpleasant info till last day but I did again. It’s everything in my shyness or dont know fear to tell smth, have to overcome it somehow. Still he phoned to me yday and I heard his voice for approx 30 min since weeks or perhaps it was even the longest talk since more than a month, yet the amount of sms we had before isnt revived but I hope it’s going well;)
Concerning @, I really feel very uncomfortable in new position and need time to adjust to it, I have the feeling of collapse, as though I have the bochka with many-many wholes and water is coming out of it and I try to close this or that whole while others continue to pure. I need the system in my head that would allow me to work. I think soon we will build it. Today I had the 1st conflict with Bora (Oh, Bora) concerning target of companies….Few days ago I understood that X is really the thing I wanna do in @....I find its very nice that am interested in people development, undersatnd the processes of it, understand how er-system and even financial system function. I think the vice-president should understand all processes which go on in organisation and surely you cant stay in @ being motivated just by your personal development (developing others forever;), but without exchange I wouldnt really survive. I will alsways do matching a couple of forms, cause its cool to change and do exchange, cause am change agent and this year I am to change lives of approx 50 peopleJ Funny fact, I went once by bus in Ufa and at this only time I met the VP X of Ufa in busJ @ is everywhere in my life;)
One more fact of this story in surely uni….I contacted Lena and she said we have 4 ddl this week, so I have to write 4 essays when am back which I of course dont want. Still I didnt start the year work which I guess had to be finished by this time already…Ooops;) But anyway nemejlivoe mejlivo (impossible is nothing) and I think I will manage it for sure….
Greetings from 9000 km above the Earth, dami i gospoda jelaem vam s4astlivogo polyotaJ
Sunday, May 13, 2007
From Ufa with love
U know it happenns usually when the fruit is put into shaker, the fruit doesnt experience its best time but after that very tasty and healthy juice comes out...Once I was asked which drink I would be if I would be a drink actually and I replied that orange juice.
And so I am now. After these 2 weeks. I loaded myself in train filled with tears and tempreture cause was still ill and quarelled with Erkan before leaving to Saratov. He was very surprised of that I really leaving to Plan-it and since then I didnt hear his voice...We were speaking just 15 min before I left home cause in previous evening he ignored me to meet.
Yet I was very happy and exited to meet my new term at Plan-it. We went with whole EB-team in 1 train, starting working (mostly having fun) already there;)
Well, Plan-it itself was tough, the permanent +15 temp and the absence of warm water and actually shower made its deal and spoiled the conference as much as it could + boring facis contributed to the thing that at the 4th day of conference I though that its 1st conference at my @-life that demotivated me. Then I realised that that are not the facis who should motivate me, and that evening I started to communicate more with delegates, that were brilliant and interesting people, who inspired me much.
I was standing with 1 girl from Ufa at balcony and watching to Volga when she told me: I am looking forward and seeing the space which is lightened with the lamp and then nothing and on the other bank of river, I see lights in the windows, the same is with my next term. I am shown now my 1st steps and what I should archieve in the end of the year and what’s between is completely dark for me.
That 16 year old girl continued blowing my mind the whole conference through....
But it was not the end. At award eveing I realised that your success depends just on you. If you smile at your results they are good, if u cant stop complaining (like Moscow did this time) everybody considers them bad... I was amazed by SPUEF who also didnt reach much this year but positioned themselves as though champions and they were taken like that. Think that depends also on spirit inside the team.
Throughout all the conference I wrote to Erkan as much as I could but didnt get much reply, few lines a day about the weather situation in Ibk actuallyL Really not good.
We slept with Mashka, Sashka and 4e at 2 beds which we put together to get warmer but still got ill and fighnting with coughing and temp continued learning process. My functional VP, Bora from Turkey, is really special, think he’s having problems with communications, not only language, but he just cant understand what he means. Напишу следующую строчку на русском, чтобы не повадно было. Пыталась Бору поддержать в эти дни и, сама того не заметя, чуть не влюбилась с него (слава богу, длилось этого всего 1 день) и я вовремя остановилась.
So after Plan-it filled with contacts, illness and cold, and usatisfied expectations next training came. It was Train-the-trainers Seminar hold by Katya and Anya from SPUEF. That seminar was really worth to visit and at least it was THE reason to come to Saratov, so the point for me not to regret. Not the content, but I think more the atmosphere and attitude made it special for me. Fighting with my illness I managed to be there till the end and really enjoy every moment, yet we also shared 1 host with Katya & Anya and with Kaliningrad delegation and could share much on the way home and to place where seminar took place (oooh poor girl the owner of the flat and poor parents of her). Cause at daytime we were there 10 people and to oversleep there gathered the whole MC team of 14 people different nationalitiesJ
Especially I liked sharing moments with Katya, esp when we layed last day on the sofa, showinf pics to each other;) Then it was time for me to leave to Ufa by super-train Astrakhan – MakhachkalaJ There, in train I got big sms ( a poem) from Erkanim that he loves me and suffers and I broke his feelings, he wants to leave me but doesnt know what to do.
It’s really hurtng for us both. But think he makes the situation worse, at that rare moments when I manage to catch him online he says: he doesnt know, I should improve the situation, when I ask how, he says I know him so well and I should understand, when I say I dont know, he says I should analyze. I really dont know what he expects from me now and i I would know, I would immed do that. He says the decision of being together will come when he is in Msk and its already forming but what direction he also doesnt reply.
Am worring of the situation so much and think mum even influences that more asking every day of him. My nieces are brilliant. Little Katya is so sweet she started to speak already and says so often: Masyaaaa, gde Ekaaa? And at dasha’s mobile when u turn it on the greeting line is : Masha & Erkan.
Really everything reminds of him and lets me think of him, am so much afraid to lose him and am ready to do everything to stay together.
Concerning my family, its really strange, cause when I am with them, its hard, mym fucks really my mind, dasha jumps around...And little Katya is wonderfully sweet and speaks already with me, she recongnises me and we play so much last days as I mostly sit home as far as I am ill.
Her scratches arent seenable much and I tell you this girl is really sweet.
My sis tries to heal me and even made me ‘banki’, yet yday we went to disco with her and Irka where we could live through 80-s disco, which was actually 90 and which we enjoyed a lot. We has everything: conflicts with people, who took our table, drink, eat, dance, overliving hapiness of luck when we won, and of disappointment when we got that it’s shell oil and not the germany-tiur like we expected.
Still. The disco was cool and special thanks to my sis.
So, this is my current state now, ill, happy and lost of dont knowing what to do with Erkan.
Yet, am sleeping in and think will fall dowm to bed after this post.