Friday, August 10, 2007

Про Саммит

Сказав Эркану, что уезжаю на дачу к подружке, собрав все вещи, я отправилась на Саммит, хотя честно говоря, совсем на него не собиралась.

Однако, я очень рада, что туда попала, потому что эта конфренция явилась для меня источником многих открытий, выводов, идей и позитива.

Я очень сочувствую всем тем, кто не приехал туда, хотя понимаю почему. Нет, это было не похоже не плен-ит, но наверное это инпут к МС, что следующую первую конференцию в год надо делать попозитивнее, динамичнее, емче и профессиональнее….

И очень хотелось бы процитировать Марго: «Нет, по духу конечно эта конференция какая-то негативная и совсем не похожа на международные конференции… Но главный Ки лернинг поинт для меня: это, что в каждой жопе…. Есть просвет» J

За что люблю Марго, что она так четко умеет выразить мысль, пусть даже и гиперболизовав J

Говорит, что научилась от меня таким сравнениям, а также шуткамJ))

Как же я провела это время? Я смогла выделить 5 вещей, которыми я занималась на конференции. Это были:

  1. Having Fun ( I didn’t drop a single party and always returned the last to our bedroom, I really had much fun and was a wild party animal, what else that every morning I sitted at breakfast and was very fresh at morning plenary, in comparison with other animals from my party packJ
  2. Learning (it is the 2nd conference after ITC by the amount of KLP I made, however, here I gained not only things about personal development, but also knew many functional practical things which I can include in my yearly plans and lead our LC to big results)
  3. Inspiring other people ( it is a wonder how I can help people and give them courage to make smth that they never did before, perhaps I am good just at short-term motivating but for me it’s really a great pleasure to help other people and be usefull for them)
  4. Sharing (Here I shared not just my personal experience and feelings with other people in order to help them but also our LC experience with other LCs and nationall association, I participated in Task Forces and Connection times, was giving my inputs. I realised that LC Moscow has a big storage of BCPs, which we think are not worth to share, but in fact, that are really our achievements that we can show to other people and help them to build up same things. We just undervalued ourselves.)
  5. Helping others ( It is a kind of combination of sharing and inspiring other people, but it’s nice that I helped not just mentally, but also physically to other people with some simple stuff. I just did smth I was asked not thinking what will it bring to me, and I really enjoyed this week there.

Still there are 5 things which I remembered most of all and wanna highlight here.

  1. Discoveries about personal development

It’s really a great thing for me that at such practical conference I could discover something about me. That was the result of feedback and self-reflection. Some things I got were not new for me but I realised them somehow even more.

a) people say I am too emotional. Yes, I knew of that and I became with years even less sensitive ( for example now I dont cry after every ppt, just after every 2nd;) but what was for me a discovery that some people dont like if I’m too emotional in a good way, for example they say it’s not neseecary at all to say all the time that I love this or that person or that I really enjoy stying here and here is so cool. Yes, I’ll try to keep more strict with that people, but am still not very sure in their words and still love so much people and wanna share it;)

b) I lack self-confidence and self-consiousness. And these qualities are really crucial to have for my professional identity as VP X and also for me personally, so many time during the conference I wanted to come up to some people and start to talk to them but was always shy.

c) I don’t know what I want. Surely I know what I want now but this always changes and I was always like looking for better variant, trying to understand what exactly I want. But what I got at this conference is “our future is not fixed, goals are flexible and may change depending on reality” and it is normal!!!! For example as a child, I wanted to be a cosmonaut, then I wanted to be a lawyer and then I wanted to be a wife, and know I wanna work in HR... So reality changes and goals also, and there is nothing bad in that. Like in that GROW – coaching model ;)

d) Positive thinking. I really get feedback of people and thankings for positive atmosphere I create and for surrounding them with my positivness... It’s so strange cause sometimes inside I feel that I’m vica verse too negative or complaining... Or do I have such high standarts for myself? Or is it already my 2nd nature that I dont notice how I create it?

  1. Relations within LC

I already wrote some time before that we have very friendly LC and also EB- team, but when we speak of our LC and support of each other we mostly think of EB-team, however at this conference we also were with our OCPs and had LC-times together, were sitting since hours and sharing our experinces and emotions during the conference, supporting each other. I am very happy that we communicate with them like equals, and they really feel that and thus having more commitment to what is happening around and we just have very warm atmosphere inside our LC.

3. Functional track.

Functional track was the most important, but that was the reason actually why I didnt want to go to SumMeet, last time it was hold by Bora and the quality really left much to be desired and most of the things stayed unclear for me.

This time there were just 5 people just from West region (Moscow, St. Pete, Kaliningrad). Каждый знает кто здесь лидер это Москоу, Кёниг, Питер J. And the track itself was hold by Mitjay. Oh, that was great!!! Both from the emotional and knowledge side. Concerning the functional side, I knew so many new stuffs and so many ideas to include to my plans, that even half of them didnt come to my mind after Plan-it, yet I also got approve that my plans that are made now and being executed succesfully are totally right J How clever I am J He gave us so much extra-stuff which was totally usefull that we even didnt have enough time, we skipped all cofe-breakes, we started always 30 min ealier and finished later and all the time we were gulping information with such an excitment. Yet Mityaj is a very cool trainer to my mind, and how he delieveres the info is also quite interesting.

After our track we also created a big X (eXchange) that was 2 meters high and didnt suit into the doors to bring it to plenary, it took us 2 days to create that masterpiece but it was worth too, cause everybody was amazed when saw that (at least I hope so). We had just out-of-agenda time together. Especially I enjoyed time with Vika from Engec, how we made jokes always, discussed different things, shared experience. It was a very warm feeling for me to be with you. Thank you, Vika.

Sometimes we gathered at our place without arranging, just sitting and having fun together, we sitted together at plenaries, and after closing we gathered together, hugged each other, thanked Mitjay for such a warm atmosphere, usefull knowledge and motivating us, it’s really a big lack for all these VP Xes of East and Centre regions who didnt come. We stayed for aproximately 40 min there, made photos (coming soon) and just enjoyed last minutes of being together. I would stay even longer, if not my LC-time ( see point above ;)

Thank you, Mitjay !!!!!

  1. The best moment of conference.

There were really a lot of good moments but 1 moment I remembered much and this was smth like a culmination for me. One day (it was day 4 I think) I woke up with dirty hair and wanted to wash them between my activities like plenary, functional time or meals. However, after morning plenary which was on the river bank where I created rhymes for my LC to shout out, we immediatly went to functional time where worked without any breakes, even at lunch, also at lunch I got some stuff for Sasha to filll in and filled it in for her as she enjoyed her honey moon, after that I ran to my room where prepared roll-call with my LC and then after they were contuning I ran back to functional track, made there our big X, then learned, after learning went immediatly to connection time where I was asked to participated and gave my valuable inputs, after participating in connection time, I spoke to people who also took part there and set up valueable contacts with them for my future work and for the help of OCPs. After that, it was approximately 10 when I first went upstairs and sitted alone in my room after 11h working non-stop without a pause, it was really a big pleasure for me... I sitted alone in my room and started to reflect and put down into paper what I learned today.... After 25 min reflection I felt so much satisfied with myself and realised that this moment is the best.. It is for what I came there.

  1. Relations between MC – LC Moscow

This is the least pleasant thing which happened to me during the conference... I felt somehow pressed and offended.... Surely, they did many things good and created a nice conference but in the relations to our LC, they behaved really strange. 1st point to think over.... MC-lunch, they say they give to every LC people from MC according to the needs of LC, so why they gave to us VP LC Development and RD of Centre.. What are that for needs in Moscow? 2nd point is permanent jokes to us.... Very pleasant.... 3rd is killing game what we played... After u collect some points you can order smth from faci-menu, each point was possible to order just once, after we ordered warm words from faci and after few days they said engec also ordered these... Really, we as whole LC awaited so much what people from MC can say good about us and we expected this moment very much and how great was our disappointment when they went to the stage, said words about Engec and skipped us!!! They didnt say A WORD about us!!!! Although they were called to the stage for that. It was really very important for us and this was like a knock-down.. Whole closing was spoilt.. and whole effect of conference went down... We sitted very sad and demotivated... Surely we didnt get a single award. Although we performed more than well, people from our LC participated in every task force, every connection time, always were at plenaries, shouting smth new, making roll-calls, dressed the same. But to their mind we dont deserve even a single word....

That really demotivated me much, but when I thought that all that I do, I do for dearest people in my LC and not for that .... (censorship) sitting in the 1st row.

To that point I also wanna quote words of Margo which she told about this point: Ну вот когда, у тебя есть кошка, и ты ее не кормишь, не моешь, за ней не ухаживаешь, она и ведет себя соответственно, дерет углы, вопит по ночам, ссыт в ботинки….А если ты начнешь ее гладить, кормить, ласкать, то он будет мурлыкать, ходить в туалет, ласкаться к тебе… Я: Ну а что же делать мне, если я кошка и меня пинают, не кормят, не моют… Марго: Не ссать в ботинкиJ)))

С таким подходом, мне кажется, все будет гудJ

В свете последних событий, я хочу сказать, уважаемые МС- мемберы, что если вы читаете этот блог, то комментарии оставляйте мне, а не Маше J Ну это так, оффтопик…

В целом, мое пребывание в Дорохово Вилс, того стоило и это была незабываемая и во многом полезная для меня неделя. Мои цели выполнились, ожидания преисполнились процентов на 200%.

Посмотрим, каковы будут плоды всей этой грандиозности, которую я открыла для себя на Саммите – 2007.


Anastasia said...

Маша, похоже, у МС и Москвы совершенно разное восприятие наших отношений. Ни с одной стороны оно не является позитивным, это очевидно.

Несколько комментариев:
LC Dinners: Любой ЕВ мембер Москвы находится в часе езды от МС-флэт. Насколько логично было ставить, скажем, Виктора или Катю вам, если можно позвонить им в любой момент, а Челябинск или другой ЛК они увидят 3 раза в год, не больше? Логики ноль.

Москва - очень закрытый в себе ЛК. Если вы настолько круты, что куча BCP и хороших вещей происходит, то делитесь! Сообщайте! Возьмите себе ЛК-менторенка, нац.конференцию... Пока что это делает Питер и Новосибирск. Как МС может судить о том, что локальный комитет "хороший"? - сухие цифры и участие в нац.вещах всяких.
Про цифры Москвы я промолчу. Не только ICX здесь имею ввиду, но и количество мемберов, людей, которые приезжают на нац.конференции, тимлидеров, проектов, стажировок в проектах...
Кто задавал много вопросов, постоянно общался с фаси, чиром, собирал вокруг себя дискуссии? Я не стоглазый великан, конечно, но я не видела людей из Москвы в этом списке.

Уж у кого, а у меня к Москве всегда было позитивное отношение и я очень хочу, чтобы все было хорошо. Вы очень много позитивных вещей делаете, шаг за шагом, выбираясь потихоньку все выше и выше. МС и я лично здесь для того, чтобы вам помочь. Но помочь можно только тому, кто в этом заинтересован. Пока же что происходит - враждебные лица Москвы и комментарии, что МС-уроды.


Masha said...

По поводу враждебных лиц - это как кошки, которые гадят в ботинки. Очевидно, что могут и не гадить, но не сдерживаются:)
А по поводу уродов - не видела таких комментариев :)
И еще - все, что написала правда,а можно еще и выделять не только негативные вещи, но и позитивные :)

Anastasia said...

Да кто ж говорит, что неправда:) У каждого свое восприятие. И у меня не было намерения тебя переубедить - зачем? Каждый сам себе прав. Просто первое правило коммуникации - понять собеседника.

Masha said...

А пока каждый будет думать, что каждый сам по себе прав, первое правило работать не будет :)

Unknown said...

masha, a mojet pora, svoiu gordost kuda podalshe, ushi otkryt i cifry v insight izmenit?
ili sobratsya vsem eb i priglasit mc na ujin? eto ne tak uj i slojno.
a da, i perestat slushat alumni vsyakih..