Saturday, June 21, 2008


People are very important to me. As far as I'm extravert and very people-oriented, am always thinking what people might think of me...My mood depends on their opinion..Sometimes too much...But never too less...
And it's amazing how people can make me happy... How important for me their words can be...
Since 3 weeks, every day I was re-playing again and again the forecoming dialog with my counselor and by chance Senior Manager of our department...Was curious of his reaction... Felt shy and ashamed for that I am leaving...After all the time and knowledge they gave to me...Especially last week felt so much destroyed as the day X was coming when I had to tell him that I'm leaving...
However, his words really made me so happy again and returned to reality...
All his "international experience will give you a challenge and it's very valuable", "it's better you leave now then after 6 years, it'll be harder for you, you'll be less flexible", "private life is more important than work", "you are smart and you have to find the work, tax consulants are needed in Europe, you can always refer to me and I will endorse you", "you should never feel ashame in front of me or other managers, your life belongs just to you", "if you once decide to return, you are always welcomed back", "you are happy here, but can be even more happy there, i never know until you try", " just join us for Turkey-trip before you leave, we'll have nice time together", "you should feel ashamed just for that you felt ashame to share with me" were so important to me...
Leaving his room I had heart full of thankfullness to him and eyes full of tears...He returned me to happiness again...
For me he is the example of how people can combine professionalism, happiness and people understanding in yourself... Jumping around the office like a boy, speaking to everybody, always happy and smiling, attracting most of clients for our group, developing people by counseling and making trainings alwats and being a God of international taxation....
Jumping around and feeling happy, we left we colleague for "Sex and the City"...Amazing movie, recomendable to every girl... So tender, heart-touching and at the same time funny... And New York... Wonderfull New York...Spent just 10 days there, but knowing almost every corner they show...So nice to see places where you've just been a month ago...
So next destinations are waiting for me...
This Saturday - Moscow,
Next Saturday - Antalya,
The Saturday after - Stuttgart being hugged by Erkan...Finally...Forever....


Masha said...

ЭЯ и правда очень-очень крутой...
Мне тоже жаль, Ленкин!!!
Оставлю тебе свой дух и холсты с Кипра:) И Лиссабон, хочешь?

Masha said...

эх, сижу на работе, думаю начать что ли собирать вещи свои уже...
не хочу....