Люблю твой строгий, стройный вид,
Невы державное теченье,
Береговой ее гранит…
Decision of mind, not soul….

Really met a lot of people of different conferences that I’ve attended since 3 years, most of these people I know from CEEMoS in Poland, or ITC in Romania, or other national conferences that I’ve attended as trainer or delegate… That is my generation of AIESECers, the people who’ll lead AIESEC countries next year and me… February was the turning point like I wrote in this blog, it was the time to decide and my mind has chosen the option to finish AIESEC, to get my practical experience, enjoy the time with Erkan and get financial independent from my parents…
I really enjoy the time in E&Y, was sharing it with Sasha in train on the way to St. Pete, am satisfied with sums of money I have, although it’s just interns salary, but still twice higher than in any MC you would get working daily and nightly…
But seeing all these people evokes such a great wish for me to realize my potential in terms of AIESEC, develop me personally, do something great for the organization, really noticeable contribution, meet all these people again and again, meet new smart people, have nice time together, enjoying what you do… All these questions of people: and what are you doing in AIESEC now? – I am having my internship in E&Y…and I really like there… Asked Lina and Inna if they have the same feeling, they say they don’t… Did I have to go to the end to realize my potential or is it time, at 23, start my adult life already…
My mind has chosen the logical part, but soul is still doubting…
People I love
However, am more than happy with my weekend cause of concentration of people whom I love there, at one place… It’s pleasure to meet you, it’s pleasure to talk to you, to dance, to drink…Some of you I see daily, some weekly, some just few times in a year… Vika from St. Pete, Aga from Poland, Tony from Bulgaria, Sasha, Katya, Lina and Inna from Moscow… We were dancing at party and I looked: here you are, all around… so near, everybody together, was really astonishing moment for me…
Thank you, for just being there…
Enjoyed the time with Vika from Koenig and Jenya Abasheva, was really nice to talk to you, girls…
For me people are the most important and these 3 years of AIESEC made me face such nice people like you, that is the most valuable what I get from it…

Glamour life…
Still, it was not the big tragedy for me as it may sound, cause we came to have fun there… Having breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant, taking the taxi to the city centre, having 2nd breaksfast in the restaurant…Thinking where to spend money more as it’s really cold outside… It’s really extremely cheap in St. Pete, especially for our-life style ;) The way out: take the cheapest train to St. Pete and go to the most expensive places there ;) More Glamour jokes:
-Пойдёмте в Стокманн, мне надо купить колготки…
- А мне шарф на вечер
- А у меня нет сумочки для коктейля
- И у меня…
- Вы что? Девушка в коктейльном платье без сумочки для коктейля выглядит дешево…. Как будто она забыла свою сумочку неизвестно где… И честь тоже там же =)
В ресторан входит хорошо выглядящая женщина с кучей пакетов Луи Витон, Дольче и Габана и т.п. :
- Вот это настоящий гламур, а вы надо мной прикалываетесь
- Да ладно, наверное тоже из Москвы на плацкарте приехала =)
-Сегодня с утра в коридоре в гостинице видела девушку на шпильках, завернутую в одеяло, больше на ней ничего не было
- Да, по-моему забыть платье для коктейля всё хуже, чем забыть сумочку =)
The beauty of St. Pete….
Jokes beside, but still St. Pete is a nice city, the nature and architecture are amazing… Although all 3 times I’ve been there it snowed and was really cold, I went here and there, walked Nevsky along to make pictures… Noticing what the eye doesn’t see from the 1st sight…
It’s a nice city to spend time, prices are low, although the supply of places is not worse than in Moscow, there is a special spirit of Russian literature, thinking there always of Pushkin and Dostoevsky… There’s a special spirit of culture in this city with all it’s museums, monuments, parks, palaces, bridges and alleys…
1 comment:
Ooo Masha, such a sweet post!!
(I believe that soul anyways takes over, sooner or later; AIESEC, E&Y, P&G and others are just conditions for soul to express itself, and it will always find how and where to do it.)
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